Yoga is WAY more than Lululemon and downward dogs. In the Modern Yogi podcast, we dive deep into the spiritual side of yoga! So if you’ve ever pondered the meaning of life or wondered what your purpose is— this podcast is for you! Join three friends (your book club buddies) as they take you verse by verse through ancient yoga scriptures starting with the world famous Bhagavad Gita!
Why do we follow the influencers that we follow? Are they good leaders? In these verses, Krishna talks about divine leadership. He encourages Arjuna to be a good role model, for if he does, common men will follow in his footsteps.
More Download2022-09-10
Why is sacrifice (yajna) so important? Krishna dives deeper into this concept of sacrifice and why it's critical in our lives.
More Download2022-09-02
We can't just sit around Netflix and Chilling all day! Thus, Krishna explains in these verses that we all need to do something in this life, and the best thing to do is work in the consciousness of God.
More Download2022-08-26
Arjuna is really good student so he’d like to know *exactly* what to do now! Thus, welcome to the wonderful chapter 3 where Krishna introduces the idea of karma-yoga. What is that? And how can it be used to better your life?
More Download2022-08-20
How do we have peace and happiness in our lives? Krishna answers this million dollar question now. If we can remain steady during good days and bad days, we are practicing true yoga.
More Download2022-08-11
What is devotion? What is service? Why is devotional service to Krishna the purpose of our lives? Arjuna begins to ask these questions as well as the big one: how do I become a better and more spiritual person?
More Download2022-08-05
Bhagavad Gita > Vedas. But wait, what are the Vedas? The Vedas are a HUGE body of spiritual texts originating in ancient India. Krishna is saying that understanding the main purpose of the Bhagavad Gita trumps everything written in the Vedas.
More Download2022-07-29
What do we take with us when we die? Our cars? Our iPhones? Our family? Nope, none of it. But we do take the amount of spiritual progress we make in this lifetime. Those who are trying to figure out the true goal of life are the wisest people in town.
More Download2022-07-22
Krishna now begins to poke at Arjuna. He is basically saying: If we are all immortal souls, why are you so sad, Arjuna? Now that you know how the whole reincarnation thing works, don’t lose your reputation as a powerful soldier.
More Download2022-07-15
So the soul is like Wolverine, no one can kill it! Which means, if we are the soul and not this body, we must be immortal, right? Right. During these verses, Krishna explains how powerful and indestructible the soul truly is.
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